Specialists /

Michaela Walter

Dr. Michaela Walter
Michaela Walter


Primary Specialty:
Internal Medicine
Other Specialties:
No items found.

Dr. Michaela Walter completed her General Internal Medicine fellowship at the University of Calgary in 2009. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC) and a Clinical Assistant Professor with the University of Calgary.

Dr. Walter is currently practicing her acute care medicine at the Peter Lougheed Centre, where she is also the General Internal Medicine site co-lead. Dr. Walter practices in a variety of outpatient clinic settings providing care in: Cardiac Rehabilitation, Vascular Risk Reduction, Thrombosis, Perioperative Care, Obesity medicine, and Chronic Complex Disease Management.  She has her own general internal medicine practice at Internal Medicine Associates.  As a general internist, she manages a wide range of acute and chronic clinical presentations.

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