Specialists /

Ellen Anderson Penno

Dr. Ellen Anderson Penno
Ellen Anderson Penno

BA, MD, MS, FRCSC, Diplomate ABO

Primary Specialty:
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Dr. Anderson Penno has been practicing general ophthalmology and refractive surgery since 1996 and has performed thousands of surgeries. She was trained at the Mayo Clinic with a refractive surgery fellowship with Dr. Howard Gimbel, and she has over 20 years of experience in clinical eye care and laser surgery on a variety of laser types. She currently practices in Calgary, Alberta.

Dr. Anderson Penno's publications include three surgical textbooks co-authored with Dr. Gimbel, as well as a memoir published by NeWest Press Edmonton in 2024.

I can help with:

  • Advice on testing for patients with suspected ophthalmic disease
  • Advice for the management for patients with established ophthalmic disease
  • Referral guidelines for advanced interventions
  • Screening advice for the early detection of ophthalmic diseases
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