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BC eConsult Platform

Alethea in British Columbia

Learn how Alethea works in British Columbia

eConsultation with Rapid Specialist Responses
Secure Patient Communication
Digital Imaging and AI Diagnostics Support
Select EMR Integrations

Improved Access to Specialist Care for British Columbian Physicians and Patients

Alethea will soon be available to all Family Physicians in British Columbia. We are currently running a proof of concept of our platform with a select group of Family Physicians in remote communities and ENT Specialists within the province. If you are interested in being a part of our BC launch, please contact us. We will keep you updated, and will invite you to join our team.

Alethea will provide Family Physicians with all of the tools necessary to send eConsultations, and receive timely responses. Physicians will also benefit from the AI diagnostic support for ENT and Dermatology.

eConsultation can positively impact patient care by reducing specialist waitlists, and routing patients for the appropriate type and level of care. Alethea’s seamless workflow will help Family Physicians send eConsults faster, with less administrative hassle.

Explore Specialists in British Columbia

Would you like to save time and improve patient care? Try Alethea today.