Receive online specialist advice within 24 hours

Alethea is a secure, seamless, and modern way to get rapid specialist advice

Alethea is a better way to send eConsults.

Alethea provides Family Physicians with rapid access to Specialist advice along with cutting edge AI predictive technology and specialized hardware.


eConsults can be sent from the mobile app or online portal. Our partnering Specialists will respond within 24 hours.

Decrease in patient wait times from months to hours
Quickly attach images and videos captured through the Alethea platform to eConsults
Structured eConsults allow for fast and efficient responses

Digital Imaging

Physicians enrolled with Alethea are provided with a mobile device and digital otoscope at no cost. They can be used to capture images and video to attach to an eConsult.

Attaching images allows for a concise eConsult while still providing appropriate details
The digital otoscope is easy to use and shows a clear image
Images can be shared with your patients to show them what is going on

AI Diagnostics

Alethea has multiple artificial intelligence tools that can provide diagnostic support for ear, nose, oral cavity, and dermatological conditions. Each AI prediction is easy to access within the Alethea platform.

Decreases the number or unnecessary referrals
Provides a second opinion through diagnostic support

A more powerful eConsult platform

Alethea is an intuitive platform for online specialist advice, helping you treat your patients faster.

Quickly and securely send an advice request to our Specialist Team.
Receive online Specialist Advice in 24 hours.
Earn additional revenue with Alethea's automated billing services.

Get started with Alethea


Follow the link below to book a meeting with one of our team members.

Are you ready to start using Alethea today?


Follow the link below to sign up with Alethea


Send an eConsult to one of our partnering Specialists

Learn more about Alethea

Sign up for an information session

Use the form to sign up for an information session. We will send a meeting invitation to the provided email.

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How it works:


Capture diagnostic images and access our AI decision support tools.


Effortlessly send an eConsult to one of our specialists and get advice within 24 hours, using our mobile app or on our online portal.


Communicate securely with your Patients and Specialists regarding next steps in the treatment pathway.

Doctor Headshot
Dr. Baret
Family Physician
“Looking for your opinion if the condition in this image needs a specialist follow up.”
Doctor Headshot
Dr. Jacobs
"This looks like dermatitis. I would suggest treating with an ointment. If there is no improvement you should schedule a biopsy. Please keep me posted."

Hear from our partnering physicians 

"My patients really appreciate getting specialist advice within days on issues that otherwise could have taken them months to be seen through the traditional referral process."

Dr. Nancy Li

Imagine Health Centres

"Alethea has been a nice way to connect with colleagues and discuss optimizing patient care on a very user friendly platform."

Dr. Danya Traboulsi

Skin Health and Wellness Centre

"Being able to send images directly from the phone to the specialist saves time, and ensures the specialist sees the best quality image possible."

Dr. Nathalie de Bruin

Revolution Medical

"The Alethea platform is nice and easy to use. I am thrilled with the quick and helpful responses mostly within 24hrs."

Dr. Taofik Adedeji

Crystals Medical Clinic

"The ability to consult a specialist and get advice quickly is so appreciated not only by me, but by patients as well. It has also saved unnecessary referrals directly to a specialist, allowing me to continue caring for my patients within their medical home"

Dr. Kesa Robinson

West Springs Medical

"Alethea is a great asset in assisting our Rural Generalists in getting their patients specialty care in a timely and accessible manner. The unique and innovative way that Alethea delivers care to Canadians is just the type of out of box, made in Alberta entrepreneurship that our Healthcare system needs."

Jessica Hansen, Clinic Manager

Riverside Medical

"I find this platform super helpful for my supportive living patients who have a hard time getting out to see specialists, and I can often get focused advice to manage issues on site which helps everyone involved."

Dr. Ashley Humeniuk

The Alex Seniors Health Centre

"I really appreciate Alethea. It’s streamlined the eConsult process a lot, and I find a lot of the time the consult I received back is much better than the research I would’ve done on my own without the consult."

Dr. Brenden Kunimoto

SantiMed Family & Walk-in Clinic

"The service was exceptional and fast, and just the information we needed to proceed with the patient's care."

Nurse Practitioner, Red Deer

"I'm quite grateful for the service. It's been a positive experience thus far and has been a huge help in reducing burnout in my family practice."

Dr. Reena Suri

Silver Springs Medical Centre

"I must say, Alethea is one of the best things that has happened to my practice."

Family Physician

Red Deer

"The platform is working great. It gives speedy response which makes patient care more efficient and fast."

Family Physician

Red Deer

"Alethea has truly transformed my practice! I can work more efficiently by directly consulting an expert. I appreciate receiving answers within 48 hours and eliminating the need to wait on the phone for a specialist to return my call. With access to a wide range of specialties, I can better manage my patients within their medical homes and refer much less frequently. As a result, my patients receive more efficient and comprehensive care."

Dr. Natalie Ward

Southport Family Practice

"I have used the portal on a number of occasions. I find it works VERY well. The advice I have received has improved patient care. I feel the service is invaluable for my patient care."

Dr. Robert Hauptman

Dr. Hauptman Clinic

Learn more about Alethea today

Contact us to learn more, or sign-up online and send your first eConsult within minutes